Pathways to Innovation
Discover how our researchers are turning their discoveries into clinical applications

At the Lund Stem Cell Center, innovation is at the heart of what we do. Our researchers are advancing science and finding new ways to bring discoveries from the bench to the bedside.
This series takes a closer look at their journeys—exploring how they have turned research findings into therapies, startups, and clinical applications, and highlighting the challenges they have faced, the successes they have celebrated, and the impact they aim to create.

A closer look at the making of a novel stem cell therapy for Parkinson’s Disease
The STEM-PD clinical trial is testing a stem cell-based therapy product developed by Malin Parmar, Agnete Kirkeby and collaborators, which aims to replace lost dopamine cells in Parkinson’s Disease. Success in the initial Phase I/IIa trial could lead to further trials and product development by Novo Nordisk A/S.
Read more about the development of STEM-PD.

Developing a Gene Therapy for a Rare Blood Disorder
Johan Flygare co-founded Apriligen, Inc. with CEO Nicholas Vita to develop gene therapies for Diamond-Blackfan Anemia (DBA). With clinical trials ahead, they’re bridging academia and innovation.
Read more about their journey from science to startup.

An academic startup’s journey from lab discovery to cancer therapy
Filipe Pereira and his team made an important discovery when they reprogrammed skin cells into dendritic cells, immune cells key to fighting against cancer. This led to Asgard Therapeutics, a biotech company focused on cancer therapies.
Read about the journey from lab discovery to cancer therapy.

Hair analysis to find cancer at an early stage
Researcher Emma Hammarlund realized that geological measurement methods can also be used for medical purposes. With a simple hair sample, she hopes to find cancer at an early stage. First in the study are prostate cancer and breast cancer. Now her project has been selected for the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences' (IVA) 100 list.
Read more about this innovative idea and how it could benefit society.