Young Investigator Symposium 2017
Novel Conceptual Advances in the field of stem cell biology
Thursday 19th January 2017, Belfrage Lecture Hall, BMC D15
Invited speakers:
Noelia Urbán, PhD, Francis Crick Institute, UK´, "Return to quiescence of mouse neural stem cells by degradation of a proactivation protein"
Leslie Crews, PhD, Moores Cancer Center & Stanford Consortium for Regenerative Medicine, USA, "RNA Splicing Modulation Selectively Impairs Leukemia Stem Cell Maintenance in Secondary Human AML"
Andreas Reinisch, PhD, Stanford University School of Medicine, USA, "A humanized bone marrow ossicle xenotransplantation model enables improved engraftment of healthy and leukemic human hematopoietic cells"
Organising committee:
Mattias Magnusson, Göran Karlsson, Jenny Hansson, Talia Valasco, Daniel Tornero, Aurelie Baudet & Claire McKay