Young Investigator Symposium 2015
Novel Conceptual Advances in the field of Stem Cell Biology
Tuesday 15th December 2015, Belfrage Lecture Hall, BMC D15
Invited speakers:
Jianlong Sun, PhD. Department of Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology, Harvard University USA, "The inner workings of native hematopoiesis revealed by transposon-mediated cellular barcoding"
Disa Tehler, PhD. Biotech Research & Innovation Centre (BRIC), Copenhagen "Classical noncoding RNAs master the regulation of protein translation and switches to “proliferation mode” in cancer’"
Pekka Katajisto, PhD. Institute of Biotechnology, University of Helsinki, "Age-selective segregation of organelles by stem cells"
Organising committee:
Cristian Bellodi, Henrik Ahlenius, Laurent Roybon, Johan Flygare & Kenichi Miharada