FACS Instruments
Learn more about the cell sorters and analysers available at the FACS Core Facility
The BD FACS Aria III has 5 laser lines: near UV at 375nm, violet at 405nm, blue at 488nm, yellow-green at 561 nm and red at 635nm. The violet and near UV are co-linear and cannot be used simultaneously. It can detect up to 16 colours and two scatter parameters.

BD FACS Melody
The BD FACS Melody is contained within a biosafety hood which makes it suitable for sorting primary human samples and transduced cells. The Melody has three laser lines: violet at 405 nm, blue at 488 nm and yellow-green at 561 nm. It can detect 8 colours and two scatter parameters.

BD FACSymphony S6
The BD FACSymphony S6 has 5 laser lines: UV at 355nm, violet at 405nm, blue at 488nm, yellow-green at 561 nm and red at 635nm. It can detect 30 colours and two scatter parameters.

BD FACSDiscover S8 Cell Sorter
Our most advanced and latest addition! The BD FACSDiscover S8 Cell Sorter is a spectral flow cytometer sorter equipped with sort-capable image analysis. By merging spectral flow cytometry with real-time spatial and morphological insights, it offers an extensive high-dimensional analysis. This system features up to five lasers, 78 fluorescent detectors, six image detectors on the blue laser, as well as FSC and SSC detectors.
This instrument is available for use through generous support by Lund University, Lund Stem Cell Center, the IngaBritt och Arne Lundbergs Forskningsstiftelse and Associate Professor Nicholas Leigh.

Cytek Aurora
The Cytek Aurora is a full-spectrum flow cytometer with 5 lasers (UV 355nm, violet 405nm, blue 488nm, yellow-green 562nm and red 640nm) that allows the simultaneous analysis of up to 64 markers on cells.

BD Symphony A1
The BD Symphony A1 has four laser lines: violet at 405 nm, blue at 488 nm, yellow-green at 561 nm and red at 637 nm. It can detect 16 colours, two scatter parameters and also has a small particle side scatter detector.
This instrument is available for use through generous support from the Mats Paulsson Foundation and Professor Filipe Pereira.
Configuration: BD Symphony A1 Filter Configuration

BD LSR Fortessa
The BD LSR Fortessa has four laser lines: violet at 405 nm, blue at 488nm, yellow-green at 561 nm and red at 640 nm. It can detect 17 colours and two scatter parameters.
Configuration: BD FACS LSR Fortessa Filters and Mirrors

BD LSR Fortessa X20
This analyser is a good supplement to our BD LSRFortessa and also has the UV laser to give more fluorochrome choices for your multi-colour analysis. The X-20 has five laser lines: UV at 375 nm, violet at 405 nm, blue at 488nm, yellow-green at 561 nm and red at 640 nm. It can detect 18 colours and two scatter parameters.
Configuration: BD LSR Fortessa X20 Filters and Mirrors

BD Rhapsody HT Xpress
The BD Rhapsody HT Xpress uses microwell-based single-cell partitioning technology to perform single cell analysis. Its capabilities include single-cell capture and barcoding, with the capacity to capture up to 320,000 cells per cartridge.