F09 Platform
Electrophysiology Core Facility
The F09 set-up is based on a Molecular Devices Axopatch 700B amplifier with the Digidata 1440 digitizer. This set-up is more suitable for brain slice preparations, allowing for up to 2-channel recordings in combination with electrical stimulation and/or confocal/2-photon imaging, if required. The rig is integrated with a Zeiss LSM 710 NLO microscope, offering functionalities for both confocal and 2-photon laser imaging.
Major applications this platform offers:
Patch clamp recording ex vivo (fresh tissue preparations) and, to some extent in vitro (cell cultures), to study intrinsic electrical properties of single cells, such as resting membrane potential, membrane resistance and capacitance, action potential parameters, presence and function of various channels and receptors as well as synaptic connectivity, and to identify, characterize and quantify synaptic transmission in neurons.
Extracellular field potential recordings, spontaneous or evoked, to study general network activity, or synaptic plasticity ex vivo in brain tissue preparations (predominantly in hippocampus – LTP, LTD)
Dual recordings, concurrent double field, double single-cell or concurrent single-cell and local field recordings, to correlate network activity between two locations or in surrounding areas of the patched neuron.
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For bookings and consultations, please contact:
Electrophysiology [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Electrophysiology[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se)