Stem Cell Stars Seminar: Ellen Rothenberg
Join us for this afternoon session on 05 September with Prof. Ellen Rothenberg, a molecular immunologist known for her work on gene regulation and development of T lymphocytes and how transcription factor gene networks drive the emergence of T-cell identity!
Lund Stem Cell Center is excited to welcome Ellen Rothenberg, Edward B. Lewis Professor of Biology at the California Institute of Technology, California, USA at our next Stem Cell Star Seminar.
The Rothenberg group is looking at the molecular processes that control how hematopoietic stem cells develop into T lymphocytes. This is a complex process where the stem cells gradually lose their ability to become different types of cells, which actually happens at the same time as the T-cell differentiation process begins. This offers unique insights into the nature of "stem-ness" and the distinction between activation of a development program and irreversible commitment to that program. Research methods include in vitro biology, cell state characterization, and gene regulation genetics. In addition, the Rothenberg group focuses on identifying factors inducing T-lineage gene expression and understanding developmental pathway variations linked to autoimmunity.
- Talk Title: “Emergence of the T cell gene regulatory program from a multipotent progenitor ground state”
- When: 05 September 2024 | 15:00 - 16:00 + mingle
- Where: Segerfalksalen, BMC A10 (seminar) + mingle
- Host: Principal Investigator Nicholas Leigh
After the lecture, mingle and connect with colleagues and fellow researchers over refreshments at our post-seminar gathering!
All are welcome, no registration required.
About the event
Segerfalksalen, BMC A10 | Sölvegatan 17, 223 62 Lund
Target group:
Researchers, scientists, students at the LU Faculty of Medicine
In English
Claire [dot] Mckay [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se